The RESCUE pantry and birdseed moth trap uses a pheromone lure that attracts multiple species of moths. It's easily activated with the lure disk that's included with the package. Moths are lured by the pheromone and get stuck on the glue dot pattern on the inside of the trap. Once their wings get stuck on the glue dots, moths cannot fly away and eventually expire. Trap can be either hung (using the hole in the lure disk) or placed on a shelf. Simply place traps where moths or evidence of moths is commonly found: In pantries with flour or other dry goods, near birdseed or grain storage, inside food cabinets, near stored birdseed, or in the garage. Easy-to-use in kitchen, pantry, garage or shed. Safe near food, non-toxic. No mess activation. Lasts 3 months. Each package contains two traps. For catches all common pantry
and birdseed moths, including Indian meal moth, raisin moth, almond moth and Mediterranean flour moth.
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